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Home Page Tomato and Garden Starts Fresh Asparagus Market Farm Friends




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2011_Tomato_Sale.JPG 2011_Market_Time.JPG

Click here for Planting Tips.


Varieties Available for 2025

(Click on variety for description)

Pots are color-coded to match variety. Tomatoes are indeterminate unless noted as "Det. Semi-Bush")

Main Slicing Tomatoes:

Small-Fruited Tomatoes




Strawberry Plants 

Honeoye (June-bearing) Blue Pots - Winter hardy with large berries.

More Garden Plants

  • Cucumber - General Lee Hybrid - 66 Days - Red Pots
  • Cucumber - Sassy F1 - 52 Days - Green Pots
  • Cucumber - Lemon - 68 Days - Yellow Pots
  • Yellow Squash - Saffron - 42 Days Blue Pots
  • Zucchini Squash - Black Zucchini 50 Days - Black Pots
  • TomatilloPurple Blush Tomatillo  - 75 Days - Red Pots
  • Broccoli - Gypsy - 91 Days - Lime Green Pots
  • Broccoli - Diplomat F1 - 68 Days - Orange Pots
  • Cabbage - Kaitlin F1 - 94 Days (Storage variety, sauerkraut etc.) - Black Pots
  • Cabbage - Tendersweet F1 - 71 Days (Fresh for cooking or slaw) - Red Pots
  • Cabbage - Omero - 73 Days  - (Red Cabbage) Red Pots 
  • Cauliflower - Purple of Sicily - 74 Days - ( Heirloom purple) Purple Pots

Puple Passion Asparagus Plants


Click here to read more about how to establish your own asparagus patch




We Provide the Healthiest Tomato, Pepper, and Garden Starts Available



Click Here for a video tour of our 2022 greenhouse.


We have been growing tomato, pepper, and other vegetable starts for gardeners across SW Montana for over 20 years. There is simply no comparison between our plants and what is available from the big commercial growers that supply Walmart and other big box outlets. Local gardeners come back each year to make sure they get their garden starts from Covenant Gardens. Try our plants for one year and you will understand why. 


How We Grow Differently

Our unique process begins with mixing our own soil from scratch. This means that all of our plants are grown in live soil - not a sterile mix used in commercial production greenhouses. Our home-made soil mix consists of a light, loamy base mixed with compost, aged manure, and other natural ingredients that support healthy plants from the ground up.

Growing with a live soil mix means that we will, on occasion, pull weeds in the pots. This is far too time-consuming for commercial production greenhouses that rely on chemicals, fertilizers, and sprays to deliver plants to the big stores. Since our seedlings sprouted and grew in live soil from the beginning, they are perfectly prepared to be transplanted into your garden. We have also had customers tell use they found earthworms camping out in the roots when they transplanted into their gardens. Our hand-crafted plants are healthy, happy, and ready for the season in your garden.

HH_Color_Coded.jpgAll plants are individually potted in 3-4 inch pots allowing for extensive root development. We do not use tiny "cell packs" that minimize space for root growth. Our pots are large, and they are color-coded to match the variety list, ensuring that you get the kind of plants you choose.


Why Our Plants Are Better

Not only do our plants start with all natural soil mix and organic fertilizers in a sizable pot, the seedlings in our greenhouse are also subjected to cool night time temperatures and warm day time temperatures in the sun. This energy-efficient temperature schedule reduces our cost of production, lowering the price you pay for premium plants. But more importantly, the cool nights in the greenhouse acclimates the tomato and pepper plants to the typical gardening conditions in SW Montana. It also fosters a stocky, strong plant build that, from the time of germination, is adjusted to the inevitable cool nights in your garden. HH_Lots_of_Tomatoes.jpg

In contrast, commercial production greenhouses keep their greenhouses constantly warm and grow plants using many kinds of synthetic chemicals, fertilizers and sprays. This method results in plants that appear healthy on the outside, but are weak in reality; not remotely prepared to the natural conditions in your garden here in Montana. Store-bought transplants are simply unaccustomed to the live soil in your garden, since they have grown only in sterile soil, and fed entirely by synthetic fertilizers and chemical brews. Mass-produced commercial plants are also stressed by the usual temperature swings and cool nights common to SW Montana.

We think you will be impressed, year in and year out, with the results from our naturally grown plants. Have the best garden ever by using our locally grown tomato, pepper and garden plants. 



Plants will be ready by early-mid May. All Pricing to be announced.  If you have any questions, please contact us. Call (406) 287-5302 to arrange to pick up your plants directly from the greenhouse.

Perfect Timing for Planting Season
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