Purple Passion Asparagus Seeds Now Available!
Do you love our Purple Passion asparagus? Would you like to grow your own plants to harvest in your garden?
Now you can purchase seeds from our legacy Purple Passion aparagus crop to grow your own asparagus patch. These seeds come from our own plants right here in SW Montana, so they are proven strong growers in our local climate and region.

It is a simple process if you have patience. Start the seed, let it grow for 2 years without harvesting to establish, and then you will have your very own source for Purple Passion asparagus that yields fresh spears for you every spring.
Here is a video tutorial:
How to start asparagus seeds for your garden
Here is a helpful article:
How to start asparagus seeds for your garden

Purple Passion Asparagus Seed Pricing
100 Seeds -- $13 Postpaid
250 Seeds -- $22 Postpaid
1000 Seeds -- $68 Postpaid
Email us at covgardens@gmail.com for seed availability, ordering and payment information or if you have any questions.
- Tim Martin
Click here to see a video tour of our our asparagus field and how we grow it at Covenant Gardens.
