Waiting... For the Opportune Moment
May 3

Hello Farm Friends!!
The activities from last weekend were a whirlwind! Hang on a sec while I catch my breath...
It's amazing what can be accomplished on a long weekend, starting Friday morning and working right through Sunday evening.
Plants were delivered. Baby onion plants were planted (and watered!!) And even more plants in the greenhouse were weeded in preparation for markets all over SW Montana.
Special thanks for the home-brewed beer delivery from Bruce on a bicycle Sunday evening! That was the perfect surprise, and the perfect ending for the weekend. Thanks, Bruce! It was wonderful.
I vote for Bruce to be the official brew master of Covenant Gardens!
The May Season
The next couple of weeks will demand our full attention as we tend plant markets, asparagus harvest, and deliveries going every direction. We are still waiting for our first asparagus harvest day.
Let me know when you are ready for some plants for your own garden. I will make sure you will get a monster helping of purple asparagus for your trouble or the next time you are able to come out to the farm. Saturday and Sunday evenings are the best time if you can make a trip to pick up some goodies.
The nights are still chilly, which is slowing the asparagus development for now. And it leads me to the next detail...
The Opportune Moment
I will be watching the weather while we tend our markets and run the asparagus harvest in the next few weeks. Toward the end of May we will come to the proper time for planting our main summer garden.
If we move ahead too early, seed germination will suffer drastically. New plants going out from our greenhouse do not like cold soil, so there is no point in jumping the gun. It's that time of year in Montana that requires a little discipline and patience to help make a bountiful summer harvest come into reality.
I will update you as we get closer, but expect these activities after danger of frost has passed:
1) Tomato planting
2) Cabbage planting
3) Cucumber planting
4) Green bean rows going in
5) Sweet corn
6) Pie pumpkins planted in an organic paper mulch
And much, much more.
Stay tuned for more details as the weather conditions dictate.
Farmers Market Assistant?
The one option, for someone who wants a real work-out and adventure combo, is to ride along and join me for a Farmer's Market Saturday in Helena as an assistant.
Anybody want to come help out at one of the most crazy Farmer's Markets in Montana? I leave Saturday mornings from Whitehall by 5:15 AM and return around 3:30 PM.
If this sounds like an adventure you would like to try, then respond to this email and we can talk more details.
You will be hearing more from me when "The OPPORTUNE moment" finally arrives for outdoor planting season at Covenant Gardens. We have lots going on before long!
Tim Martin CovenantGardens.com