The Long Ride... Pipes Up!
April 26

Hello Farm Friends!
As May sneaks closer, our tasks are multiplying. The season has now come upon us.
Plant deliveries are ongoing. Farmers Markets (Helena) begin this Saturday morning. Asparagus cutting should be underway in just a few days from now.
And did you see that weather report for the next week or so?
Here is a quick look at the schedule for this week if anyone wants to join us with our ongoing farm activities. Further explanation below!
Reply to this email with what day and details you would like to join us, so I know how to plan our work:
- Friday, April 20 after lunch -- Onion planting begins for 2021 (Wooohoo!)
- Saturday, May1 morning (weeding in the greenhouse), afternoon (onion planting)
- Sunday, May 2 after 11 AM -- complete the onion plantings and more weeding in the greenhouse!
The Long Ride
I was just notified that our baby onion plant order for 2021 has been shipped from south Texas. That means, right now, there are about 2,000 onions getting a LONG ride toward Montana and their summer home at Covenant Gardens.
And you thought Montana was just a place your friends and family visited for summer! Ha, ha... No, onions migrate here, too! Imagine that. It's Ok. They are going to absolutely LOVE their new home. I mean, look at all the nice things we do for those plants to get them to head out to Montana....
Now it is time to plant onions after their scheduled arrival this Thursday. They need an early start to get established so they will be ready to do their little butterfly trick by the end of the summer. I can explain it all in detail for those who join us.
Onion planting sounds a lot harder than it really is. It is more like plugging golf tees one inch down into freshly tilled soil, one right after the other just a few inches apart.
You just have to follow the string to keep a straight row! Come on out Friday if you want to try your hand at it. We plan to weed in the morning and plant onions after lunch (assuming scheduled delivery takes place on Thursday as scheduled}.
Pipes UP!
I have attached a picture of my helpers over the weekend who helped me re-assemble a large part of our sprinkler system.
This is always a sign that planting and growing season is upon us.
The sprinklers will help us irrigate the asparagus crop that is about to enter harvest season for the month of May and into June. They will also help us drench the new onion plants once we place them into the ground to grow.
One more task for this weekend will be to assemble the remaining sprinkler lines.
A lot of things are falling into place and the projects are filling the days with work. Not so much time to write, but a lot going on out at the farm.
Reply to this email if you would like to join us this weekend!
We are located about 15-20 minutes south of Whitehall near the Jefferson River in Waterloo. We are sort of between Whitehall and Twin Bridges off of MT Highway 55.
Our physical address is 27 Gornick Lane, Whitehall, which will get you close.
**Special Note** Our driveway comes in from Carney Lane, so drive past Gornick Lane and take the first driveway on the right, through the double green gates. It is a long driveway and the farm is behind the large sod field and pasture. You can see a cabin from Carney Lane in the distance. That is the farm.
Tim Martin