And the Winner Is...?
April 18

Hello Farm Friends,
We are now getting into the busy spring time CRUSH of things happening on the farm.
Lots of tinkering over this last weekend. Expect the options for activities to continue on a weekly basis from here on, but the emails may get shorter with more activities unfolding that will demand my attention.
First Delivery of the Year!
This coming week will mark the first delivery of plants out of the greenhouse to our regular market at Kenyon Noble Garden Center in Bozeman. The plants look great and our early batch of tomatoes, peppers, and Purple Passion asparagus plants will begin selling to gardeners in the area by the end of the week. Other markets, such as two Town and Country Food Stores in Bozeman will be stocked shortly after. Our outdoor plant and farmer's market season will be under way beginning Saturday, May 1.
This is always an exciting and encouraging event every year.
Special thanks to everyone who helped in our growing routine to bring these plants to market!
We have plenty of plants (over 10,000 now and counting!!) for all of our Farm Friends to take home to their own gardens as well. Just let me know when you are ready for plants and what you would like. We also plan to use the plants in our own gardens for a bountiful harvest to benefit our Farm Friends throughout the summer growing season.
Weekend of April 24-25 Events
Our upcoming weekend looks to have a few different projects this coming Saturday and Sunday. Our main batch of tomato plants will be just the right stage for weeding. This step helps to prepare them for our main markets in mid-late May.
There may also be some other tinkering projects on the farm.
Perhaps our irrigation system will be ready to assemble on the asparagus field. (Depends on the moisture we get early this week). We also have some planting ongoing in the greenhouse as our bare root strawberry plants arrive from Massachusetts and will need to be potted and prepped to come out of their dormancy. Cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, etc., are all about due for planting on our schedule as well.
Lots going on at this time.
We could use help on both this coming Saturday and Sunday. We will be working about 9 am through each day. Let me know if you would like to come out to join us and what day works for you by responding to this email. Then I can plan for the number of people who show up.And the Winner Is...?Last Saturday the very first spear of the early Jersey Supreme asparagus was spotted by Nelson as we checked the asparagus patch. So we have a winner!The first spear of our green asparagus usually means that our Purple Passion asparagus crop is likely to begin emerging within about 4-5 days. We are probably 10 days to 2 weeks away from our daily asparagus harvest. That's when we will have our biologically grown fresh asparagus available for our markets and our Farm Friends to take home to enjoy at their own table.So, while "Eagle Eyes" Nelson saw the first spear poke out of the ground last Saturday, the real winner is everyone who absolutely loves our fresh asparagus. It is a sign that the harvest is very, very close to commencing for our annual 6-week harvest time.Stay tuned!
We are located about 15-20 minutes south of Whitehall near the Jefferson River in Waterloo. We are sort of between Whitehall and Twin Bridges off of MT Highway 55.
Our physical address is 27 Gornick Lane, Whitehall, which will get you close.
**Special Note** Our driveway comes in from Carney Lane, so drive past Gornick Lane and take the first driveway on the right, through the double green gates. It is a long driveway and the farm is behind the large sod field and pasture. You can see a cabin from Carney Lane in the distance. That is the farm.
Tim Martin
